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【】 情投意合英语怎么说

点击量:665    时间:2023-10-21

本文摘要:从经典例句开讲:She retired last year but still teaches the odd class to keep her hand in. 她去年退休了,但偶然还上课,以免技巧生疏。

从经典例句开讲:She retired last year but still teaches the odd class to keep her hand in. 她去年退休了,但偶然还上课,以免技巧生疏。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》1.keep one's hand in 不停训练以保持熟练,使不致生疏,以免技术生疏常见重要的keep短语:keep one's countenance 板着面貌,不动声色,忍住不笑keep one's mind on 专心于,致力于,全神贯注地做…keep one's peace 住口,缄口,不说话keep one's record 保持纪录keep one's resolve 坚韧不拔,绝不动摇keep one's seat v. 守住座位keep one's balance v. 保持平衡keep one's figure 保持体形,减肥,防止发胖keep one's footing 站稳脚跟,站稳,站牢2. odd [ɑːd] adj.奇怪的;怪异的;反常的;(某方面)怪异的;偶然泛起的;偶然发生的;不纪律的,少量的odds [ɑːdz] n.(事物发生的)可能性,概率,几率,时机;倒霉条件;掣肘的事情;逆境;投注赔率it makes no odds没关系;无所谓;无差异It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay.你的去留与我无关。Against all odds, he made a full recovery. 在凶多吉少的情形下,他终于完全康复了。

《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》The baby boy defied all the odds and survived. 这名男婴九死一生活了下来。defy [dɪˈfaɪ] v.违抗;反抗;蔑视;不行能,无法(相信、解释、描绘等);经受住;顶住;抗住第三人称单数: defies现在分词: defying已往式: defied已往分词: defiedSb defy all the oddsand surviveodds and ends小玩意,小事情,小工具,琐碎的工具(事情)She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends. 她花一天光阴整理装满小玩意儿的箱子。I've got a few odds and ends to do before leaving. 我临行之前另有些杂事要处置惩罚。She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up 她将一些衣服、化妆品和琐屑物品放了进去。

He sweeps up and does a few odds and ends. 他扫完地,又干了几样杂活儿。We bought a few odds and ends. 我们买了一些琐屑的工具。be at odds (with sth) (与…)有差异,相矛盾,相抵触These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.这些研究效果与海内其他地域的实际情况并不相符。

Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies. 全球性生态掩护事情很可能会和地方生态系统存在矛盾。The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity. 盈利念头天生就与公正和公正的原则相抵触。be at odds (with sb) (over/on sth)(就某事)(与某人)有分歧;与……反面He's always at odds with his father over politics.他在政治上总是与他父亲的意见相左。

He was at odds with his Prime Minister.他与首相反面。It's possible to be bedfellows with someone on one issue, and at odds with them on another 可能在一个问题上与某人情投意合,在另一个问题上又意见相左。be bedfellows with someone与某人情投意合声明,本人文章只为分享,这个历程中使自己不至于生疏领导自己的孩子学习。




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